The Iron Medical Difference

How much time do you spend vetting the medical professionals coming through your door. They may look good on paper, but who are they really? Iron Medical is taking a new approach and only bringing proven leaders to your gates.
Our team will be vetted by:
Doctors and Nurse Practitioners
Legal Counsel
Federal and Local Law Enforcement
Military Intelligence
When you hire an Iron Medical professional, you know they are resilient, compassionate, and have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to deliver the best care possible.
Our Teammates deliver above and beyond their medical competencies:
High Level of Trust – The highest level of character through numerous in-person interviews.
Advanced Technical Training – IM professionals have had advanced training in multiple disciplines due to unique backgrounds
Adept and comfortable in austere environments – Veterans and First Responders are familiar with being uncomfortable.
Team-Building Skills – Our core commitment is camaraderie.
Organizational Commitment – a dedication to the operation at hand
Cross-cultural experiences – IM professionals have exposure to global cultures and customs.
Ability to adapt to stressful situations - the first casualty of war is the plan.